Free White Papers
You are critical to your organization's mission. Let the experts at Crescendo help you reach your goals. Learn how to multiply gifts with our free white papers. Using hard data and real cases, our white papers cover a wide of topics to help your fundraising efforts.
The Secrets of Growing Qualified Charitable Distributions
Learn about nonprofits organizations that market QCDs and the factors that made their programs successful.
How Active Planned Giving Programs Beat Downward Giving Trends
Learn how organizations with active planned giving programs managed to beat a downward trend and raise more revenue.
Guideposts for Print Marketing: Achieving Impact for Philanthropy
Learn how print marketing continues to play an important role in donor communications.
Finding the Good in Challenging Times: Key Takeaways from COVID-19
Learn about best marketing practices during COVID-19 through examples of effective charity communications for reaching out to donors moving forward.
Insights into Planned Giving in COVID-19
Learn about insights into the top planned and blended gifts trends during COVID-19, utilizing data from Crescendo's COVID-19 survey, cloud software and GiftLegacy marketing system.
Reach, Recognize & Retain Your Best Donors
Learn about donor gift trends and demographics based on never before released data from Crescendo's cloud software and integrated marketing system.
How to Attract Donors & Increase Response to Your Marketing
Learn how to engage donors based on age and demographics, appealing key words and phrases, graphic design elements and other factors.
CresPro Cloud Software
CresPro cloud software offers gift planners and major gift officers greater flexibility and unparalleled access to the tools necessary to successfully do their job and close more gifts.
BoomerTrillion: Capture Your Share
Build a gift pipeline from the greatest wealth transfer in history by the Baby Boom generation.
Experiments in Email Marketing
Learn how to increase email performance and response rates based on design, content, usability and other factors.
New Annual Fund With IRA Rollovers
Learn how to use a multichannel marketing campaign and motivate your donors to make IRA rollover gifts each year.
How Active Planned Giving Programs Beat Downward Giving Trends
Learn how many organizations with active planned giving programs managed to beat the downward trend and raise more revenue than in the prior year.