Planned Giving Webinar


Stay on the cutting edge of your profession. We offer a wide variety of webinars for your convenience. They cover many aspects of planned giving such as gift annuity basics, charitable beneficiary designations, blended gifts, bequest campaigns and much more.

All of our webinars are FREE. Select a date below to register.

Watch Past Webinars

Schedule (Pacific Time)

9/11 9:30 Philosophy of Philanthropy - Gift Planning can begin with inspiration, move to motivation, create impact and result in transformation. How do you begin and transition your donors to become your champions? Register
9/17 9:30 Market Major and DAF Gifts - Learn how to use CresPro cloud software to create persuasive major and DAF proposals for cash, appreciated property and blended gifts. Register
9/17 12:30 Cash Gift Proposals $20K to $5M - Create motivating cash gift proposals. Reach the hearts of your donors with pictures and your gift case. Register
10/2 9:30 Motivate Religious Donors - Using effective donor motivations in your messaging will greatly increase your donor response rate. In this presentation we will cover some of the basics of branding for Religious Organizations. Register
10/8 11:30 Gift Case - Learn how to select your GiftCase template, add winsome pictures, edit titles and write great motivational text. Register
10/31 11:30 GiftLegacy Success Story: How GiftLegacy Can Increase Donor Revenue - GiftLegacy is Crescendo's major and planned giving marketing platform. Learn about proven strategies that will take your program to new heights. Register
11/6 9:30 Market Major and DAF Gifts - Learn how to use CresPro cloud software to create persuasive major and DAF proposals for cash, appreciated property and blended gifts. Register
11/6 12:30 Cash Gift Proposals $20K to $5M - Create motivating cash gift proposals. Reach the hearts of your donors with pictures and your gift case. Register
11/12 9:30 Raise More Current Gifts - Increase your annual fund and major gifts through IRAs, DAFs, stock gifts and surveys. Register
12/11 9:30 Motivate Community Foundation Donors - Using effective donor motivations in your messaging will greatly increase your donor response rate. In this presentation we will cover some of the basics of branding for Community Foundations. Register
12/11 12:30 Analytics - Discover your Top Planned Giving Prospects - Learn how to identify your top donor prospects through predictive analytics. Register

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