Seminars & Webinars
We've helped hundreds of organizations raise money for their mission. We want to help you too. Are you marketing gifts in all of the right places? How do your donors like to receive information from you? Do you need to learn more about marketing major gifts, bequests, creating charitable gift annuities and structuring charitable remainder trusts? Do you know about the latest developments impacting planned giving?
Our seminars, webinars and annual Practical Planned Giving Conference will give you knowledge to reach your donors, discuss the best gift options to achieve their goals and help your organization close more gifts.

Integrated Marketing Seminar
What types of messages resonate with donors? What key words and phrases prompt donors to act? The Integrated Marketing Seminar will provide insights into positive marketing messages and share successful examples of messaging that works. You will walk away with practical ideas for web, email, print and social media marketing to help you engage your donors and close more gifts.

Major & Blended Gifts Seminar
Your donors have more reason than ever to make major, blended and planned gifts. The Major & Blended Gifts Seminar will provide the tools to conduct successful donor visits and create custom donor proposals like those used by charities engaged in billion dollar campaigns — at a fraction of the time and cost. Learn how to approach donors for major gifts, illustrate the benefits of blended and planned gifts and produce motivating and effective presentations to close these gifts.

Comprehensive Seminar
From data entry to planned giving basics, learn the full power of CresPro cloud software. Experienced fundraisers, beginners and assistants will benefit from exploring the most popular gift options that donors will want to consider. Gain valuable knowledge about these gifts as well as hands‑on experience running personalized donor proposals.

Advanced Seminar
The Advanced Seminar explores basic to complex major and planned gifts and will give you insights into the kinds of gifts that will be attractive to donors. Discover the most effective gift concepts for your major donors including basic and advanced charitable remainder trusts, gifts from IRAs and qualified retirement plans and charitable lead trusts.

Business Planning Seminar
Examine sophisticated charitable estate planning techniques for business owners, including TCJA planning for owners who wish to retire and sell a business or transfer the business to family members. This seminar also covers gifts from IRAs and pension plans and zero-tax plans for individuals with large and taxable estates.

We offer a wide variety of webinars for your convenience. Webinars cover many aspects of planned giving such as gift annuity basics, charitable beneficiary designations, blended gifts, bequest campaigns and much more.

Marketing Education (CresCoaching)
CresCoaching is a four-week webinar and coaching series that will help you build and launch an effective planned gifts marketing program to close more gifts and grow your legacy society. You will learn how to create a time and cost efficient marketing plan that is tailored specifically to your organization.

Crescendo Creative Gift Conference (CCGC)
Learn how to increase major and planned gifts at our annual Crescendo Creative Gift Conference (CCGC). Meet industry experts and discover the latest developments in charitable planning that will help you inspire your donors to give.

Interactive eLearning Program (GiftCollege)
Gift College is an online interactive planned gifts elearning program. It features over 100 online videos along with supporting text. Whether you want to learn more about charitable gift annuities or charitable remainder trusts, GiftCollege permits you to customize the curriculum to meet your goals. Expand your knowledge from the comfort of your home or office.